We are an Australian-based educational company headquartered in the vibrant city of Sydney, with a dedicated presence in the Latin American market, specifically in Cancun, Mexico. As of 2023, we are proud to have a global reach, with students hailing from over 30 different countries and counting. Our journey has been marked by remarkable growth and a relentless commitment to excellence.
To receive Cashback on your purchases, click the button provided to access the retailer’s website. When you’ve finished shopping, you will receive a notification in your app confirming the Cashback amount due. If you have not received a notification within 5 days from the date of your online purchase, please let us know. Depending on the retailer’s returns policy, it may take up to 90 days for the Cashback to be settled and deposited in your personal Wallet.
To be eligible for Cashback you must access the partner site through the button/link provided and complete the session smoothly, without any interruptions or delays. Special terms: • This offer cannot be combined with any other offers. • Cashback is based on retailer's approval. • The offer is subject to the retailer's terms and conditions; refer to their website for details. Cashback is ineligible on the following: • Leaving the current session and returning at a later date or time. • GST, delivery costs, and products that are returned, cancelled, refunded, or exchanged. • Third-party links, browser extensions, or adblocking software, as they may disrupt Cashback tracking (e.g., Facebook ads, Google Ads, or loyalty/cashback extensions). • Gift card, voucher, or store credit purchases. • Fraudulent transactions.